Big Data and the Future of Work

A while ago I was asked to take part in an event where I was asked to share why I believed that big data, and specifically analytics, would lay the foundation for the Future of Work; and I had to do this in 5 minutes and for an audience of humanists. Now it’s never an easy ask to present big data in a way that is engaging and interesting for those outside the business, and its even harder doing it in 5 minutes. However always up for a challenge, I put together my elevator pitch with some supporting slides. The message was generally well received and so I thought I would share the slides here. I’m not sure that they successfully get the message across without the accompanying narrative, but hopefully they give some insight into where my head is at which is…

“fundamentally if we want to realize the potential of human networks to change how we work then we need analytics to transform information into insight otherwise we will be drowning in a sea of content and deafened by a cacophony of voices”







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